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Watch Honey, I Shrunk The Kids Online Mic

Watch Honey, I Shrunk The Kids Online Mic

Watch Jason Kessler, Organizer Behind Disastrous White Supremacist Rally, Get Run Out of His Own Press Conference. At a press conference on Sunday, angry citizens ran off Jason Kessler, the organizer of a disastrous rally for white supremacists, neo- Nazis and other members of the so- called alt right in Charlottesville, Virginia that ended in mass violence this weekend. Local paralegal Heather Heyer died and dozens were injured after suspected member of neo- Nazi group Vanguard America ran over counter- protesters with his car, while two police officers died in a helicopter crash.

The hundreds of event attendees staged brawls in the streets with anti- racist activists while guarded by rifle- toting militiamen, all largely with impunity from the police. So yeah, there might be a reason Charlottesville simply wasn’t interested in whatever Kessler has to say. According to a video posted by WVIR- TV’s Henry Graff, members of the crowd chanted “shame” as Kessler approached the podium. Kessler, for what it’s worth, seemed to be doing his best to incite the crowd.“Today I just want to come before you, and I want to tell you the story of what really happened before this narrative is allowed to continue spinning out of control,” Kessler started his vile statement. The hate that you hear around you? That is the anti- white hate that fueled what happened yesterday. What happened yesterday was the result of Charlottesville police officers refusing to do their job.”“I disavow anything that led to folks getting hurt,” Kessler continued. Watch Rush Hour Online Free 2016.

It is a sad day in our constitutional democracy when we are not able to have civil liberties like the First Amendment. That’s what leads to rational discussion and ideas breaking down and people resorting to violence.”That sounds an awful lot like a threat of continued violence if white supremacists don’t get their way thinly veiled as an appeal to discourse, and Charlottesville residents seemed more than done listening. In a video tweeted by Buzz. Feed News’ Blake Montgomery, the crowd swarmed the podium. Subsequent photos and videos showed Kessler being rushed away by police in body armor.“Her name was Heather, sir!” a man shouted at Kessler as he was escorted to a police station. Her name was Heather, Jason. Her blood is on your hands ..

Watch Honey, I Shrunk The Kids Online Mic

It's a staple of her breakfast and is reportedly some of the best in the country, but how does the honey from the Buckingham Palace hives get onto Her Majesty's toast.

Watch Honey, I Shrunk The Kids Online Mic

Of course, Kessler didn’t have anything else to say for himself worth hearing. In a subsequent video posted by journalist Brook Silva- Braga, he responded to the question about the death by again saying the real cause was the “denial of First Amendment rights” to him and his compatriots. Kessler also denied any personal responsibility whatsoever for what occurred, saying “I don’t know what happened.”.

For decades, photo and video equipment was designed and tested with only white subjects in mind. Lighting darker skin tones takes a different approach than lighting.

At a press conference on Sunday, angry citizens ran off Jason Kessler, the organizer of a disastrous rally for white supremacists, neo-Nazis and other members of the. Homeopathy is, at best, worthless and potentially dangerous. Lead poisoning is always bad and dangerous. Lead poisoning from a supposedly homeopathic product is thus. If you’re planning to see Spider-Man: Homecoming in theaters, you can also watch Spider-Man and Spider-Man 2, starring Tobey Maguire, on Hulu. Hulu also has most of.

How Insecure Properly Lights Black Actors. For decades, photo and video equipment was designed and tested with only white subjects in mind. Lighting darker skin tones takes a different approach than lighting pale ones. Ava Berkofsky, director of photography on HBO’s Insecure, tells Mic how her team beautifully lights the show’s black actors, and Mic reporter Xavier Harding demonstrates some of the techniques below. Good lighting benefits from teamwork involving multiple departments. According to Berkofsky, the makeup department should use a reflective moisturizer on dark faces. The lighting crew should maximize the surface area of light, and the camera crew should shape that light with a polarizing lens.

Harding explains some of the racist history of photographic technology, and the marginalizing effect of treating white models as the “default” use case. Cameras didn’t have to be built to capture white skin more easily than dark skin; those deficiencies were built into the system by carefully optimizing the technology for white skin alone. As Buzz. Feed’s Syreeta Mc. Fadden writes, Kodak only introduced black- friendly film stocks after complaints from chocolate and furniture advertisers. On Priceonomics, Rosie Cima talks about how the TV industry accepted and perpetuated this bias, and how filmmakers struggled to overcome it.

At Jezebel, Dodai Stewart has explored some contemporary implications of this history, like poor lighting of minorities on high- budget shows and films, and apparently white- washed magazine photos. Because of conscious choices by the film technology industry, photographers still have to learn “special” techniques for properly shooting a vast portion of the population.

Even in film school, Berkovsky tells Mic, she wasn’t taught how to film nonwhite people. Digital photography has provided a lot of solutions, but as Buzz. Feed’s Mc. Fadden explains (and MIT Media Lab’s Joy Buolamwini further explores), it inherited a lot of white- skin biases. So Insecure’s Berkovsky has a suggestion for dark- skinned people grabbing a selfie: Stand by some soft light and turn three- quarters toward it. Because looking great on camera isn’t just for TV stars and white people.